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The Institute for Global Negotiation (IGN) is a non-profit, politically neutral association established under Article 60 ff. of the Swiss Civil Code. The Chair of Political Philosophy at the University of Zurich holds a seat on the Board and collaborates with the IGN in organising and hosting events at the university. The Institute is managed by a Board with support from an Advisory Council. The statutes of the association can be found here.



The IGN aims to improve the understanding of the nature and processes of global negotiation among students, academics and practitioners. In particular, the IGN promotes the use of negotiation and conflict resolution skills to address global challenges and foster cooperation. The IGN is also committed to seeking out exchange and collaboration between individuals and institutions engaged in the theoretical and practical fields of global negotiation. To achieve these aims, members of the IGN participate in research projects, organise events and courses, and develop teaching resources.



The association was originally founded in 2014 as the Global Negotiation Conference, an annual event that sought to advance the theoretical and practical study of negotiation among students across academic disciplines. The conference grew out of the ‘International Negotiations’ seminar at the University of Bern before being hosted by ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich. To take into account its growing membership and increased activities, the association was renamed the Institute for Global Negotiation in February 2021. 


​​Previous speakers at events have included: Micheline Calmy Rey (Former President of the Swiss Confederation), Catherine Asthon (Former High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy); Bertie Ahern (Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Ireland); Dennis Ross (Former Special Assistant to President Barack Obama); Mircea Geoană (Deputy Security General, NATO) and Angela Kane (Former UN Deputy Secretary General). 


The IGN owes an immense debt of gratitude to Tobias W. Langenegger who attended the first Global Negotiation Conference as a participant and later served as Co-President of the association from 2017 until he tragically passed away in 2019, following complications from elective surgery. Tobi was a talented scholar and lecturer who was pivotal in shaping the development of the association. 


Copyright © 2023 Institute for Global Negotiation

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