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Tobias W. Langenegger

Co-President of the GNC (2017-2019)

Dr. Tobias W. Langenegger, Co-President of the GNC, passed away on the 22nd August 2019 following unexpected and unexplained complications of elective surgery. 

Tobi attended the inaugural GNC as a participant and continued to be involved as a speaker, organiser and finally Co-President of the association. He was instrumental in taking the association forward over the past three years and had been deeply involved in planning the next steps we hoped to take together. 

Tobi’s warmth, kindness and above all humour made him a pleasure to work with and be around. His untimely passing has robbed us of a dear colleague and a true friend. We are immensely proud to have shared so many wonderful times with him. He will be sorely missed. 

Our thoughts are with Tobi’s fiancé Anna, his brothers Lukas and Stefan, his parents and the rest of his family and friends.


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